A great resource from the American Institute of Physics has been created on
the 20th October. It is a list of the oral history interviews from the Niels
Bohr Library & Archives. Find it here,
it includes a lot of Feynman interviews as well as audio clips.
Results published this week in the Journal of Biomacromolecules describes the fabrication of engineered microfibre proteins ("Engineered Coiled-Coil Protein Microfibers pay walled). The group at NYU report the fabrication of proteins that can self-assemble on the nano- meso-length scales. This is important in the development of biomaterials in the nano field. The group also reports that these fibres can also can bind hydrophobic small molecules (curcumin). They suggest that this can be useful for encapsulation and delivery of other substances.
Sunshine may increase nanoparticle toxicity. This is the latest headline from the UBA (Umweltbundesamt the German environmental agency). They investigated the ecotoxicological hazard of 2 types of nano (15-25nm) Ti02 and one non nano version ( 200-220nm). It is interesting to note they also recommend guidance with regard to the standard criteria for the test composition. This is a point ecotoxicologists have been making for some time now. Read the report here
Results published this week in the Journal of Biomacromolecules describes the fabrication of engineered microfibre proteins ("Engineered Coiled-Coil Protein Microfibers pay walled). The group at NYU report the fabrication of proteins that can self-assemble on the nano- meso-length scales. This is important in the development of biomaterials in the nano field. The group also reports that these fibres can also can bind hydrophobic small molecules (curcumin). They suggest that this can be useful for encapsulation and delivery of other substances.
Sunshine may increase nanoparticle toxicity. This is the latest headline from the UBA (Umweltbundesamt the German environmental agency). They investigated the ecotoxicological hazard of 2 types of nano (15-25nm) Ti02 and one non nano version ( 200-220nm). It is interesting to note they also recommend guidance with regard to the standard criteria for the test composition. This is a point ecotoxicologists have been making for some time now. Read the report here