Jan 11, 2015

This week in Nano Week 2 (Jan 5th - 11th)

Those working with products that use silica-based nanoparticles (chip makers those working with drug delivery or medical diagnostics) may be interested to read the paper out this week looking at increased cardiovascular risk and silicon dioxide NP exposure. Published in Environmental Toxicology the showed NP exposure was linked to pro-atherogenic effects (in vitro study/macrophages). They measured LDH release (cytotoxicity), increased oxidative stress and triglyceride accumulation. The original research paper can be found (paywalled) here and an article about this article can be found here.


A study has been published demonstrating how pulmonary immunization (inhaled vaccination) may be more effective when protein-loaded nanoparticles are synthesized with a positive surface charge. This study published by PNAS and accessible here (paywalled) shows how the positively charged NP induced antibody responses following pulmonary administration, whereas negatively charged nanoparticles did not. 

The mystery surrounding why grephene oxide (GO) were highly stable in water has been solved! Just a case of contamination during preparation of GO. This is a nice article entitled’ Freshmen-levelchemistry solves the solubility mystery of graphene oxide films ‘ from physics.org.