Feb 1, 2015

This week in Nano: Week 5 (Jan 26th-Feb 1st)

Nanohybrids: Pure nanoparticles of one type are not only difficult to isolate, synthesize and characterize, but also have limited use.  Increasingly  nanomaterial’s are found as  ‘nanohybrids’ (NH) i.e two moieties combined in the nano/molecular scale. Not to be confused with a nanocomposites - NH’s offers unique properties not inherent in either of the parent components. A recent article published in Environmental Nano discusses the distinctive environmental risks these materials pose while proposing a strategy for focusing research efforts on relevant NH systems.

Controlling nanowire growth has always been a challenge in NM synthesis. Recently scientists from the Berkeley National Lab demonstrated a novel technique for growing nanowires that promises 'a new means of control over their light-emitting and electronic properties'. Reported in NANOletters see the release from the Berkley labs here

(Image from: http://newscenter.lbl.gov/2015/02/05/precision-growth-light-emitting-nanowires/)