Since leaving the world of academia I am a fan of anything open access (OA) and paywalls have
become really annoying. I like to follow the world of open access (OA) and
recently found a great blog article on the Green Tea and Velociraptors blog
called 'Welcome to Open Access’. The blog is about an awesome resource created to familiarise
people with the lingo of open access- the resource is called the Open Glossary
and you can find it here.
It got me thinking about a similar resource for Nano. I would
love to put one together some day. In the meantime here are some good links for
those starting out in the world of Nano:
1: Glossary from the
National Nanotechnology Imitative (NNI). The NNI is a U.S. Government
research and development (R&D) initiative involving the
nanotechnology-related activities of 20 departments and independent agencies:
2: Glossary from Nanotechnology Now (NN). NN is an online
resource covering future sciences:
4: The BAM (German Institute for Materials Research and
Testing has put together a glossary of nanotechnology definitions and terminology taken
from recently published ISO documents: