Jan 11, 2015

This week in Nano Week 2 (Jan 5th - 11th)

Those working with products that use silica-based nanoparticles (chip makers those working with drug delivery or medical diagnostics) may be interested to read the paper out this week looking at increased cardiovascular risk and silicon dioxide NP exposure. Published in Environmental Toxicology the showed NP exposure was linked to pro-atherogenic effects (in vitro study/macrophages). They measured LDH release (cytotoxicity), increased oxidative stress and triglyceride accumulation. The original research paper can be found (paywalled) here and an article about this article can be found here.


A study has been published demonstrating how pulmonary immunization (inhaled vaccination) may be more effective when protein-loaded nanoparticles are synthesized with a positive surface charge. This study published by PNAS and accessible here (paywalled) shows how the positively charged NP induced antibody responses following pulmonary administration, whereas negatively charged nanoparticles did not. 

The mystery surrounding why grephene oxide (GO) were highly stable in water has been solved! Just a case of contamination during preparation of GO. This is a nice article entitled’ Freshmen-levelchemistry solves the solubility mystery of graphene oxide films ‘ from physics.org.

Jan 4, 2015

This week in Nano: Week 1 (Dec 29th- Jan4th)

An international research group based in Tel Aviv University have reported in the journal NANOletters (paywalled: SemiconductorNanorod–Carbon Nanotube Biomimetic Films for Wire-Free Photostimulation ofBlind Retinas) a material (semiconductor nanorods and carbon nanotubes) that can create a wireless, light-sensitive, flexible film that could potentially help those with age related macular degeneration 

The New Yorker ran a nice article on Graphene last month. See it here

Rice University published results of a bioaccumulation food chain study. They looked at uptake and accumulation of quantum dots from water to plants to caterpillars. They found that accumulation did occur up the chain but that nanoparticle accumulation in both plants and animals varied significantly depending upon the type of surface coating applied to the particles. The research is available online in the American Chemical Society’s journal Environmental Science & Technology.

In other news the EU commission published guidance for employers and workers on the safe use of nano in the workplace See it here.

Dec 22, 2014

This week in Nano (Week 47: 17th Nov-23rd Nov)

Scientists X-ray nanoscale organelles of bacteria. An international research team have obtained 'the highest resolution reconstructions on the small biological objects'using this novel x-ray laser method. Reported in Nature Photonics ("High-throughput imaging of heterogeneous cell organelles with an X-ray laser").
For all the open access advocates out there here is a link to a great tool we can all use. The open access button from www.openaccessbutton.org.

Nov 16, 2014

This Week in Nano: (Week 46: 10th Nov-16th Nov)

As the online world was reporting the Rosetta landing/mission and all the drama that went with it (#shirtgate) it was announced that the role of the chief scientific advisor was made defunct. Yes I know its not nano but it is important to European Science that Professor Anne Glover's position is no more. The gaurdian ran a report on it - it can be read here. Junker axes chef scientific advisor

Nov 9, 2014

This Week in Nano (Week 45: 3 November - 9th November)

Elsevier announced the publication of a new peer reviewed journal. Materials Today Communications. It will focus primary on research covering all areas of materials science. The editor is Tomas Martin of Oxford University (Atom Probe Group).
The Centre for BioNano Interactions (Dublin) group published 'Surfactant titration of nanoparticle protein corona' last week (paywalled). Where the protein stability and composition of the corona was evaluated over time. As corona characterisation is important in understanding the biological effects of nanomaterials this may be an interesting analytical tool for corona characterisation. 
I will leave you with this video from RiskBites '7 surprising facts about silver nanoparticles and health.

Nov 2, 2014

This Week in Nano (Week 44: 27th Oct - 2nd Nov)

A no nonsense article (at last!) entitled: Nanosafety Research—Are We on the Right Track? was published this week and is available open access here. The article highlights the ‘significant’ weaknesses of studies addressing possible for human toxicological end points of engineered nanomaterials. This quote will give you an idea of where the author is coming from: 

 ‘One of the most important outcomes of this literature study is the fact that most of the studies are not toxicological, but mechanistic studies, even though the authors discuss “toxicologically relevant” results! This aspect is very puzzling and confusing to the reader of such publications, because this is generally not pointed out. Moreover, the discussions on toxicological end points are very often misleading, as the experiments have been carried out with high concentrations or in a too high a dose range and so only provide mechanistic insights but are not useful for a toxicological assessment of the hazard.’

Google and Nanoparticles: The Life Science department of Google’s research/experimental facility (Google[x]) has discussed its interest in nanoparticles. See this link for the article and to hear the head of the Google[X] Life Science department Andrew Conrad talk about nano. In particular they are interested in using nanoparticles to detect cancer.

NanoResource: A virtual open access issue focusing on the toxicological impact of engineered nanomaterials was published via the Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications journal. It can be found here, it is available until 15th May 2015.